Grocery Life April 21, 2015

Grocery Life April 21, 2015Ben duncan

By Tom Butler 

Good afternoon from Butler and Bailey Market. I hope everyone is having a good week! It would be nice to dry out a little but I guess we will be glad for all this rain once summer rolls around.

I managed to stay wet most of the weekend. Friday, Tyson and I had a father son camp out with some other little boys from our church. It rained off and on all evening Friday and when we got up Saturday, there was such a dense fog, it might as well of been raining. The only good thing about it being so wet was the adults didn’t have to worry too much about the kids setting the forest on fire. We did have to worry about them setting each other on fire but we all made it through the trip unscathed. 

tyson camping

Saturday afternoon the kids wanted to go out in the boat. I figured we might as well. We had not had the boat out since last year. I wanted to see if it would start plus it needed to be filled up with gas. Well it started right up so we headed over to Duncan’s boat dock to get some gas. It held exactly one hundred dollars worth. Of course when I went in to pay, the kids followed along to pick out a treat. I hated to spend a hundred dollars to fill up the boat but we did get to visit with Ben Duncan for a few minutes which is priceless. He is going to turn ninety this year and they are going to have a celebration for him in May. He gave me a flier about the celebration. It will be at Duncan’s Boat Dock on Saturday May 9, 2015 at noon. Please RSVP with Bill Ray: or Dianne Duncan: You should try to go if you can. He is a special person and we won’t have him forever.

Ben Duncan 90th birthday flier

After we left the dock we rode up the river a little ways. It looked like it was going to start raining again soon so I didn’t want to go far. On our way up the river, we passed a little fishing boat. In the front of the boat a girl was paddling and in the back sat a guy. She sort of waved the paddle at us as we went by but the guy didn’t show any sign of desperation. As we passed, my daughter asked me why we weren’t stopping to help them and I told her they were too shallow to get close to them and I wasn’t sure they needed help anyways since they were not waving frantically. The reality of it was I figured someone else would help them if I didn’t. Well we rode on up the river a little ways and turned around to go back home because you could see the storm coming.

As we neared the little fishing boat again, the girl was still paddling and the guy was still sitting in the back. I was feeling a little guilty about passing them the first time so I decided to ease over near them to see if they needed any help. It turns out they did. I don’t think the guy wanted to admit it but the girl sure did. I get that. Guys never want to admit failure, much less ask for help, especially when it concerns their car or boat.

I asked them where they needed to go and it was a little boat ramp about mile up river. He threw me a line and we towed them to the ramp and their car. About the time we untied them at the boat ramp, here came the rain. The kids climbed in a little compartment to stay dry, Erica and I pretty much got soaked on the way home.

Sometimes I guess it takes the good heart of an eleven year old daughter to remind her dad that if people are in need we should stop and help them. It’s a good thing I have her as a daughter, she makes me a better parent…. and person.

Tom and Lauren

This week started a new two week ad at the store. You can find it on our website by clicking here.

I can highly recommend the Kurobuta pork chops. They are great on the grill. I put Regas seasoning on them, seer them on a hot grill on both sides and then finish cooking them on low heat. I am using our locally produced lump charcoal in my grill now. We just received our first load of it. It is made in Jamestown and is great if you have a Big Green Egg grill. It lights easily and burns hot which is what I like.

locall firwood 1

Another thing in our ad that I cook a lot is the Halibut fillets. I do these on the stove top and oven.
What I do is get a skillet that is oven proof, like a black iron skillet. Set the stove top on medium heat and put enough oil in the skillet to cover the bottom. Season the fillets to your liking. Once the skillet is hot put the fillets in, meat side down. All you are trying to do is brown them which usually takes three to five minutes. I then turn them over, putting the skin side down and put the skillet in a preheated 350 degree oven for around eight to ten minutes. That’s all there is to it and they turn out great. I will caution you that the skillet handle will stay hot for a long time after you pull it out of the oven!! I know this but I continue to burn myself most every time.

Halibut and salad

Our May Barbara Tenney cooking class schedule is out now. As if this writing, we still have openings in every class except on May 14th. If you would like to see the schedule you can find it here. These classes fill up quickly so if you see one you are interested in call us to reserve a spot.

One more thing to put on your calendar would be Rocky Hill Hardware’s customer appreciation day which is this Saturday the 24th. I hope you will come out and support them. They will be giving out free food and will have a lot of great deals on plants as well as many other items. Ernie and Suzanne have passed down the business to Patrick, one of their long time employees so I hope you will throw your support behind him as he gets started in his own small, local business. I have certainly been in his shoes before and know how much it means to have the support of the community, especially when you are just starting out.

Thanks again for your business and have a great week!


Thanks for letting us be a part of your community,

Tom Butler


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 Butler and Bailey Market

7513 Northshore Dr.

Knoxville, TN 37919



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