A local market serving the Rocky Hill community since 1990
By Tom Butler
Good afternoon from Butler and Bailey Market. I hope everyone is having a good week.
I just wanted to send out a quick reminder that our beef tenderloin sale ends this Sunday the 18th 2015. I’m not sure the pricing will be this low the rest of the year so I hope you get the chance to take advantage of this sale.
If you are not in the mood for beef tenderloin this weekend, we are now carrying a Cheshire Pork baby back rib from Heritage Farms. These have become our new favorite thing at home. I have found that however I cook them they turn out good. In the oven, on the grill or in the smoke, they always turn out tender, juicy and flavorful. If you are like me and can’t cook consistently good ribs, I would give these a try.
We will also have a large assortment of “in house” smoked meats available this weekend. The crowd favorite right now is the smoked pork tenderloin so you may want to give that a try. I still take home our fried chicken twice a week. We typically have it for supper one night a week and the extra pack is to snack on the rest of the week. That’s probably too much fried food, but it’s gooood! If you don’t want to cook this weekend those would be some good options.
Lastly, last year around this time I wrote about some expectant parents wanting us to make a “reveal cake” for their baby shower. Nancy in our bakery, made it for them. The inside of the cake was pink and not long after, they had a beautiful little baby girl. This week they called back and wanted Nancy to make the cakes for her first birthday party. They are picking them up today so I would like to wish little miss Sophie a happy first birthday from Butler and Bailey Market.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your community,
Tom Butler
Respond to:tom.butler44@gmail.com
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Butler and Bailey Market
7513 Northshore Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37919