A local market serving the Rocky Hill community since 1990
Grocery Life August 28, 2014
By Tom Butler
Good afternoon from Butler and Bailey Market. I hope everyone is having a good week. We have had a busy week at the store.
We got our new produce furniture in last Friday and started installing it Monday afternoon. By Tuesday afternoon the job was pretty much completed. I am really pleased with how it has turned out so far, and we have had a lot of positive feedback from our customers. I think it makes the department a lot more spacious and easier to shop.
We had two guys from our produce wholesaler that helped us with the job which made it a lot easier on us. When they left Tuesday, they left me a list of things I needed to order to really finish out the project nicely; so it looks like I am going to have to spend another few thousand dollars to really complete the job. The price of progress is expensive.
My electrician was in yesterday. We are looking at replacing some of the lighting in our refrigerated cases in the store with LED lighting. The price of this kind of lighting is finally affordable so he was showing me my options with it and giving me the pricing. The great thing about LED lighting is it lasts for years instead of months before it needs to be replaced and it is super energy efficient. Our KUB bill here is averaging about $12,000 a month so we are always looking for ways to be more energy efficient. We have already converted all of the lighting in our freezers and most of the overhead lighting in our produce and deli areas. Hopefully, in the next few months, most all of our refrigerated sections will be converted also.
My kids will be glad to know we are trying to go green at the store. That apparently is a big teaching emphasis at schools now. They always remind Erica and I when we are doing things that hurt the earth like turning on a light or running the water.
They both seem to be having a good start at school. Every night at dinner I ask them how their day was and so far they have answered enthusiastically. Last night, neither one of them made any effort to tell me when I asked. When this happens I try to bring up things to provoke them into talking. Based on their reaction, I brought up the wrong thing last night. I told them I was thinking about getting rid of our televisions. Instead of starting a conversation, they both just started welling up with tears and were pretty much speechless. I did get a “way to go dad” from Erica. Well I pretty much screwed up our supper. I was only half serious when I told them this and figured I would let them explain to me why we should keep our T.V.’s. Nope, they just kept looking at me and looking at their mom with tears streaming down their faces. I don’t think Tyson was that upset with it, he was just sympathy crying for Lauren. She was devastated.
Well we finished up supper and the kids started getting ready for bed. I stayed in the kitchen cleaning up and a few minutes later Lauren came out to talk to me. It turns out she wasn’t worried about not watching T.V; she was worried about people at school finding out that we didn’t have a television. I asked why and she said they will make fun of her. She said they already make fun of her for not having her own Iphone and if they find out we don’t have a T.V., it will just get worse. I had no idea this was going on with her at school, so it gave she and I a chance to talk about it. We had a great conversation about what’s important when choosing our friends and how we shouldn’t get caught up in material things. I told her these issues will be around for the rest of her life and that her mom and I deal with them ourselves.
I guess this stuff went on at school when I was a ten year old, I don’t really remember. I do know with social media, making fun of people can get out of hand a lot quicker today. After our talk, Lauren went on to bed.
Once the kids went to bed, Erica came out and said, “I guess that didn’t go the way you thought it would.” I told her it didn’t at supper but that it did produce a great conversation between a daughter and her dad. I don’t know if I gave her the right advice or if she will try to apply it, but I do know we know and understand each other a little better which was worth all the tears. I am finding out it’s tough to be a ten year old girl.
This should be a big weekend at the store. The Vols play their first game Sunday, Boomsday is Saturday, and Labor Day is Monday. It is the perfect storm.
We will have plenty of things prepared for your tailgating and picnicking. Ashley will be smoking chicken wings, ribs, pulled pork, and beef brisket. The deli will be frying chicken, making salads, as well as, their famous guacamole dip. The meat department will be cutting great steaks for the grill. If you would like to preorder any of these things feel free to give us a call.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday weekend and GO VOLS!!!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your community,
Tom Butler
Respond to:tom.butler44@gmail.com
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Butler and Bailey Market
7513 Northshore Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37919