Grocery Life December 1, 2015

Grocery Life December 1, 20152015 open house

By Tom Butler 

Good afternoon from Butler & Bailey Market. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. Everyone I have talked to has told me how well their turkey turned out this year. I always ask how they prepared it and I hear everything from “I just stuck it in the oven” to extravagant recipes that start two to three days before actually cooking it. Some people say you can’t beat a good ole frozen turkey and others say you have to have a fresh, free-range turkey for the best results. I have tried them all and they all turn out about the same to me. I guess my palette isn’t sophisticated enough to tell the difference and secondly, I usually think while I am eating turkey, how I wish it was a beef tenderloin or prime rib. I am not a big fan of turkey.

We apparently have a new tradition in the family for holidays. When we close the store for holidays I usually come by the store to check on things so we don’t have any big surprises when we open up the following day. Last year on Christmas, I brought the kids with me to do this. While I checked things out the kids rode their bikes and skateboards around the store. You would’ve thought I took them to Disney World. They thought that was the greatest thing to ride around the store while it was closed. So this Thanksgiving we were at the store checking on things and riding skateboards again, and I am sure we will do the same thing at Christmas. I guess you build traditions and memories in a lot of different ways.



We have had two events at the store plus Thanksgiving in the last three weeks which has kept us pretty busy. They were all very successful thanks to our staff here and all of you supporting them. Our biggest event was our Holiday Open House last Saturday. We had a lot of great food and a really big crowd for that event. I really enjoyed it because I got to meet a lot of you that don’t live close to the store but follow us by reading this blog. I met folks from Powell, Maryville, Norris, and Sweetwater just to mention a few. Another treat for me was that my family came for the whole event. I write about them all the time so I was glad they finally got to meet some of you.

My daughter actually worked the whole time she was at the store. She helped the Cruze Farm girls hand out ice cream for three hours. Now she has decided that she wants to be a Cruze Farm girl when she grows up. That’s not really what we had in mind for her career but we’re ok with it. I like the Cruze Farm folks! Her brother, Tyson, wants to do whatever he wants to do and live with us forever so Lauren’s idea is sounding pretty good to us.


Lauren with cruze farm

It is now time to move on to the next great event in Rocky Hill. This Saturday is the Rocky Hill Christmas Parade!!! I hope all of you are planning on being here for this. Last year was the first year of the parade and it was a huge success! I bet this year will be even better. A lot of people and businesses from our community volunteer their time and money to make this parade happen so we all need to show our appreciation by being there Saturday night. Come early and tailgate or better yet, come early and buy groceries but make sure you are here at six to watch the parade.

rocky hill christmas parade poster

Life is good in Rocky Hill and life is busy in Rocky Hill and I guess the folks in this community will just keep on trying to make it better and better until Jesus blows the whistle and makes us get out of the pool.

Have a great week and I will see you at the parade!!!


Thanks for letting us be a part of your community,

Tom Butler


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 Butler and Bailey Market

7513 Northshore Dr.

Knoxville, TN 37919


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